Histogram Equalization

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Histogram Equalization

Postby Odonnel » Thu Apr 28, 2011, 16:31

I use Graff px v.1.0.30d.
I notieced that the results of Histogram Equalization differs from the results, achieved with Photoshop CS 5.

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Re: Histogram Equalization

Postby Administrator » Mon May 02, 2011, 14:30

The histogram Equalization works with the pixel intencities, which are calculated from values of all the 3 color channels. Adobe Photoshop and Graff px, calculate the intencity in a different way. That was disscused in this topic:
http://www.project-10.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=183(where C stays for the pixel intencity)

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